Jacob Ritchie

I am a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at Stanford University. I work on Human-Computer Interaction with Prof. James Landay and Prof. Maneesh Agrawala.
My current research projects focus on computational tools for audio augmented reality storytelling, education and information visualization.
Previously, I recived my M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, supervised by Daniel Wigdor and Fanny Chevalier of the Dynamic Graphics Project.
I completed my undergraduate degree in Engineering Science, with a minor in Robotics, also at U of T. I have experience as a software engineer in industry, having worked for a year at the Intel Programmable Solutions Group.
Email: jritchie@stanford.edu
Twitter: @jwkritchie
LinkedIn: jacobritchie1
Curriculum Vitae
My curriculum vitae, with a complete list of professional experience, teaching experience, and awards.

My portfolio of academic and professional projects.
Conference Papers
1. Alan Cheng, Jacob Ritchie, Niki Agrawal, Elizabeth Childs, Cyan DeVeaux, Yubin Jee, Trevor Leon, Bethanie Maples, Andrea Cuadra, James Landay. 2023. Designing Immersive, Narrative-Based Interfaces to Guide Outdoor Learning. To Appear at the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
2. James Hong, Will Crichton, Haotian Zhang, Daniel Y. Fu, Jacob Ritchie, Jeremy Barenholtz, Ben Hannel, David X. Yao, Michaela Murray, Geraldine Moriba, Maneesh Agrawala, and Kayvon Fatahalian. 2021. Analysis of Faces in a Decade of US Cable TV News. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD 2021) Link to author copy.
3. Jacob Ritchie, Daniel Wigdor, Fanny Chevalier. 2019. A Lie Reveals the Truth: Quasimodes for Task-Aligned Data Presentation. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019). Link to author copy.
Journal Papers
1.Benjamin Hurt, Oishee Bintey Hoque, Finn Mokrzycki, Anjali Mathew, Maryann Xue, Luka Gabitsinashvili, Haile Mokrzycki, Ranya Fischer, Nicholas Telesca, Lauren Xue, Jacob Ritchie, J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira, Michael Bernstein, Mark Whiting, and Madhav Marathe. COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions: Data Annotation For Rapidly Changing Local Policy Information. 2023. To Appear in Nature Scientific Data
2. Marissa L. Childs, Morgan P. Kain, Mallory J. Harris, Devin Kirk, Lisa Couper, Nicole Nova, Isabel Delwel, Jacob Ritchie, Alexander D. Becker and Erin A. Mordecai. 2021. The impact of long-term non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 epidemic dynamics and control: the value and limitations of early models. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Link to open access paper.
3. Zezhong Wang, Jacob Ritchie*, Jingtao Zhou*, Fanny Chevalier, Benjamin Bach. 2020. Data Comics for Reporting Controlled User Studies in Human-Computer Interaction. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 27, Issue 1 (Proceedings of InfoVis 2020) Link to author copy. (*Contributed Equally)
4. Derek Howard, Marta Maslej, Justin Lee, Jacob Ritchie, Geoffrey Woollard, Leon French. 2020. Transfer Learning for Risk Classification of Social Media Posts: Model Evaluation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Link to pre-print.
5. Amira Chalbi*, Jacob Ritchie*, Deokgun Park, Jungu Choi, Nicolas Roussel, Niklas Elmqvist, Fanny Chevalier. 2019. Common Fate for Animated Transitions in Visualization. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Proceedings of InfoVis 2019). Link to open access paper and materials. (*Contributed Equally.)
6. Jacob Ritchie, Spiro Pantazatos, Leon French. 2018. Transcriptomic characterization of MRI contrast with focus on the T1-w/T2-w ratio in the cerebral cortex, NeuroImage, Volume 174. Link to open access paper.
Technical Reports
1. Jacob Ritchie, Mark Whiting, Sorathan Chaturapruek, J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira, Madhav Marathe, Achla Marathe, Stephen Eubank, Michael S. Bernstein. 2021. Crowdsourcing County-Level Data on Early COVID-19 Policy Interventions in the United States: Technical Report. ArXiV. Link to report.
Late-Breaking Works
1. Jacob Ritchie*, Yimeng Liu*, Sven Kratz, Misha Sra, Brian Smith, Andrés Monroy-Hernandez, Rajan Vaish. 2023. Memento Player: Shared Multi-Perspective Playback of Volumetrically-Captured Moments in Augmented Reality. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23) (*Joint first authors.)
Workshop Papers
1. Jacob Ritchie, James Landay, Maneesh Agrawala. How should we teach theory in an HCI Education? In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on HCI Education (EduCHI '22)
Posters and presentations
1. Monica Granados, Jacob Ritchie, Constance O'Connor. 2018. Guide to Eating Ontario Fishes Mobile Application, Up North on Climate Conference. Link to poster.
2. Jacob Ritchie, Spiro Pantazatos, Leon French. 2017. Magnetic Resonance Imaging from the Transcriptomic Perspective. 7th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI 2017) (Also presented at OHBM 2017) Link to poster.
3. Jacob Ritchie, Alex Mihailidis. 2013. Age-CAP: An Age-friendly Communities Assessment App University of Toronto Undergraduate Engineering Research Day. Link to web application.